
Balance is a theme that we weave into most of our classes here at SSC.

June 18, 2022

Balance is a theme that we weave into most of our classes here at SSC.

But what about if you fall?

Do you know how to fall safely?

This is an important life skill, as most of us will fall at some time in our life.If we can learn strategies to fall safely, we can reduce the severity of injury.

Prevention is key, but hey let’s be realistic. Falls happen.

Stay tuned for summer workshops specifically on this topic.

In Canada, 85% of injury-related hospitalizations are due to falls, yet many people are not interested in learning how to fall safely until they’ve fallen badly. 

Using sensory-motor and strength training exercises, participants in the Balance& Fall Workshop will learn: 


1) Step-by-step instructions for going down to the floor

2) How to safely roll onto the back

3)What to do with the arms and head to avoid injury.

4) How to strengthen the legs and hips allowing more ease in getting up.

5) How to strengthen the arms and shoulders to allow more ease in getting up

6) How to strengthen the core, preventing many of the balance issues in the future.


With love


Strong Stretched Centered Fitness


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