Plant a New Garden for Vibrant Health

I coach personal training clients towards shedding old habits that are not working and creating fresh new habits to carry forward with health, strength and ease. Ease around food, body image and life.

November 29, 2021

I coach personal training clients towards shedding old habits that are not working and creating fresh new habits to carry forward with health, strength and ease. Ease around food, body image and life.

During the process, we look at the BIG picture.

We cannot create physical health and leanness, we cannot age gracefully and well, unless we bring all aspects of ourselves into the picture, the food and movement, yes, but also the things we truly want, deep down.

Reclaiming back your power and walking a very different walk, with confidence and self love.

This shift can scare people. Some retreat back into their comfort zone, and continue to ask “what are the perfect macro's please?” returning to the safety of the numbers.

When we are ready to ask the bigger questions like : What do you truly want? Where do you see yourself in 6 months, 2 years, 5 years, 10years? Those are the clients who make magnificent changes to their bodies, heir lives and their overall health.

Are you ready to step in? It takes courage to reach higher, and to keep those higher standards for health and fitness. Sometimes we need to completely “empty our cup”, so it can be filled with fresh new habits that move us towards the best health.

Let’s pull out the weeds, and plant in your own fresh new garden. It all starts there.


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