The Struggle with self love, self esteem and spirit

If you are having trouble getting lean or your health is sub par and you just can’t seem to stay motivated to exercise and eat a healthy nutrient dense diet, consider the source.

October 25, 2021

If you are having trouble getting lean or your health is sub par and you just can’t seem to stay motivated to exercise and eat a healthy nutrient dense diet, consider the source. Instead of yet another diet consider the emotional part of the equation. The struggle is real for many of us and it drips into all areas of our lives. Our careers, finances, relationships, and parenting. Holidays, outings, social gatherings are all affected by how we treat ourselves.

If you “know what to do, but am just not doing it” that is a sign that you simply do not know what to do, not really. It’s hard to get out of your own way.

It is hard to be objective with ourselves, actually for many it is almost impossible. Sometimes we relate more to the struggle and we Become the Struggle, instead of what is really going on.

Freedom can be yours, but consider that what you have been doing is not going to get you there. And it doesn’t fix itself. We have to do the work, Inner and Outer.

If you would like to get Unstuck and moving forward with a plan to get leaner and healthier, with a strong body, positive mindset and a healthy relationship with nutrition then try a fresh approach. That’s where a good coach and experienced personal trainer can make all the difference. Exercise is supposed to feel good, be efficient and get you results, food is nourishing. Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs literally communicate with every aspect of our biology. The formula is commitment and consistency.

This time, do this FOR YOU…it’s time. Instead of putting yourself at the end of the list, try focusing on your health and well being. Decide to feel good in your own skin. Decide to do it now. We have to make it important to really make that shift. It can be done, it simply takes committing to the process.


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